The Postal Center

Now serving number

Feel free to drop us a line anytime, your phone lines are open 24 hours a day. Just fill out this form and send it along with a self addressed, stamped electron. Contributions, stories and other stuff in readily usable formats are most appreciated. (We use Windows 7 still)

General Newness as of 11-14-24

Just popped in to see if I'd added anything, looks like I havn't!! Added a new image to the intro page, can you see if there is anything "off" about it? It is a beautiful image but something wrong about it. I've added one volume to the first Wetting Album links page, "page 10" shows up first, how nice is that.

Now I have a hundred more images I'd like to stick on the other page but it seems Flickr won't allow me to have multiple pages anymore, ahh the free ride is over, I tried multiple ways to get myself logged in to the other page but either I am just a dumb blond OR I am just a dumb blond who's multiple page passwords no longer work. If anyone knows of someplace I might find, for free, a place I can stick about 3000 images I might consider moving, maybe. Of course hardly anyone ever comes here anymore, but if you know of something let me know. As always, enjoy.

Links to A Wetting Album...

logging in lets you see ALL of the image pages

A Wetting Album on Flickr - - > Head to the albums page - a New Album here-

A Wetting Album on Flickr volume 2 - - > Head to the other Volume

The Stories Page--> same old stories but classics

A Wetting Album Favorite links...

Wetlook World Forum -->The opening paragraph to wetlook...
A Splash of Glamour -->Some really nice Formal wetlook
Trash the Dress Videos -->Great wetlook formal videos
Del Sol Photography -->Some really unusual wetlook photography
Ultimate Messy Directory -->Messy and Wetlook Directory